Teaching and learning resources to support children's rights, education and global issues relating to children
Children’s Rights Flyer
Available in Te Reo Māori, English, Samoan, Tongan and a range of other languages, this flyer or poster summarises children’s rights in child, teacher and family friendly language.
Rights Flyer for Youth
Every Child has Rights! This flyer summarises the 54 articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in youth friendly language: Because rangatahi who know their rights speak up for rights!
How to Help Your Tamariki Under 6 Stay Safe Online
Save the Children’s experts in online safety have developed these age-specific tips for parents, teachers, social workers and anyone else who may interact with children.
Take Action Groups
Are you a child or youth passionate about a local or global cause? Set up a Take Action Group! Register here for support to advocate and speak up for your cause.