Join the Movement of Monthly Givers Today and Transform the Lives of Children

Meet 14-year-old Anjali from Udayapur, Nepal, featured above. Her story is just one example of how the long-term commitment of our supporters transforms the lives of children. When we met her six years ago, she didn’t have enough to eat and wasn’t able to regularly go to school. Her father had died, and her mother was struggling to feed her four children on a small plot of land.

Small Monthly Gifts Had a Lasting Impact for Anjali

Six years later, thanks to the support of our monthly supporters, her mother raises cattle, pigs, and grows vegetables. Her monthly income has increased enough to pay for Anjali’s school fees, uniform, and stationery. Anjali is healthy, happy, and studying full time, and dreams of becoming a teacher.

Your decision to make a small monthly gift will have a lasting and significant impact on the lives of children around the world.

Play Video: Here's the Proof
Video Link:

Small Regular Gifts Over Time Make a BIG Impact

Imagine working with a community in poverty, where children go hungry, where access to education is difficult because parents cannot afford it or because children must work. Imagine it’s been that way for generations. That is a common scenario for millions of children around the world.

But when you sign up to give a small regular gift over time, you are signing up to create sustainable long-term transformation. That’s because your commitment enables us to commit to long-term projects for children. There are no quick fixes or shortcuts for children trapped in the cycle of poverty. Your regular gift and commitment to children is their way out.

Play Video: 2023 Looking Ahead
Video Link:

Sign Up Now to Join this Commitment for Children

How Your Regular Gift Will Make a Difference 

In 2021 Donations Were Spent in the Following Areas


7% of your donation is spent on administration and governance