We know lockdown isn't always easy for our children and tamariki in Aotearoa New Zealand. That's why we've launched a new super heroes campaign aimed at empowering children. 

Featuring nine-year-old Super Millie, check out our video which presents five ways to navigate lockdown using the super powers in all children - creativity, inventiveness, decision making, knowledge and fun.

Play Video: Section 1: Super Millie Video
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/embed/gvmgP78bDB8

Super Millie To The Rescue

Living through lockdown requires us all to make significant changes in our lifestyles, and that includes our tamariki. Seeing our children as active participants, rather than passive recipients is important when it comes to recognising the capabilities our children can bring to this situation. Children need to be acknowledged for the crucial role they too are playing in our fight to eliminate this virus. 


Why Super Millie Matters

Super Millie reminds us of the superpowers within our children to be creative, inventive and take the lead on the ways they want to navigate lockdown. Supporting our children to have a say on how they want to fill their days using what is available to them to feel empowered or having some control of their situation. 


Super Millie's Super Oaties

Play Video:
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/embed/-vSIm-FDmH0

Super Millie And Super Star Sophie On Staying Connected


Super Millie is back!

Our lockdown superhero Super Millie is back, joined by her new friend Super Star Sophie to share what they’ve learnt about keeping calm and staying connected in challenging times. With tips on how to relax, connect with nature and the people around you, be kind and look for adventure wherever you are, Super Millie has some fantastic advice for Kiwi kids, and the adults around them.

Play Video:
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/embed/I_kMw7mlSyE

Looking for lockdown learning resources? Check out our Education Hub!